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- Kelly
- Hello and welcome to my blog! I have rejoined the psp community after a few years away. I am planning to update my blog and make it more current! Please check back and I hope you'll find something you like!
::Forum I'm At!!::
Saturday, June 4, 2011
2:21 PM | Edit Post
This tutorial was written by me on 4 June 2011. Any similarity to other tutorials is not intentional.
Tube of Choice.
For the sample above, I used the art of Chuck Bauman and for the 2nd example at the bottom I used Elias Chatzoudis. If you would like to use either of these tubes, you can purchase both artist's work and licenses to use them from PTE.
Scrapkit - I used an awesome kit called Attitude by the very talented Kristen. You can download it HERE Don't forget to leave some love!
Filters - Mura Meister copies, Penta Jeans and Xero Porcelain
Font of choice, I used New Romantics
Animation of choice, I used one from Missy called Missy_spin_animation, which you can download HERE
Let's start!
Open a new canvas 600 x 250, flood fill white. Copy and paste your tube as a new layer. Effects, Mura Meista copies, wallpaper rotate. You might need to adjust the first setting (number) to get the look you want. Crop your canvas. Duplicate, and on the original layer, effects, Penta Jeans, 64, 4. Repeat the jeans effect. Change the blend mode to screen on the duplicate layer. Add some sparkles, duplicate to cover your tag.
Copy and paste your close up, I placed mine towards the left side of my tag. Effects Xero Porcelain. Use the default settings but change the softness to 15 and the blue channel to 0. Duplicate the tube. On the original, apply the same penta effect you used earlier. On the copy, adjust blur, gaussian blur 3. Change the blend mode to screen or overlay, whichever suits your tag best. Drop shadow the original layer.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer & place it towards the right of your tag. I used the close up tube again & re-sized it, as the full size tube looke d too small on my tag. Do whatever looks best with the tube you're using. Apply the same Porcelain effect. Duplicate. On the copy, adjust blur, gaussian blur 3. Change the blend mode to soft light. Drop shadow the original.
Copy and paste a flower and place it in a corner. Drop Shadow. Copy and paste another element, I used a flower but hid most of it lol. You could use a ribbon or butterfly. This goes on the left side of your tag. Drop shadow. Duplicate, image mirror & move down to the bottom corner of your tag.
Make sure you're on your top layer. New raster layer, floodfill with a colour from your tube, select all, modify contract by 3, delete. Don't deselect yet. New raster layer. Selections modify expand by 2. Invert selection & floodfill white or light colour. Deselect. New raster layer, floodfill with a colour from your tube, I chose a light blue. Selections modify contract by 1, delete. Select none.
Copy and paste the kiss! Place in the left bottom corner. Drop Shadow.
Add your name and copyright.
Copy merged your bottom 3 layers to ani shop. Duplicate so you have the same number of frames as your animation. The one I used has 12 frames. Edit, select all on both the ani and the tag. Drag the animation onto your tag and place where it looks best. I copied mine a couple of times.
Back to psp, layers, view, invert. Copy merged to ani shop & duplicate till you have 12 (or the number of frames your animation has)
Go back to your tag in psp, and layers, view all. Close your cr and name layer. Copy merged. Open a new canvas, 150 x 150. Paste as a new layer. Image re-size 80%, image mirror. Move it around to place it how you would like it.
New raster layer, selections, select all. Go back to your tag & close all layers apart from your 3 borders. Copy merged, back to the AV, paste into selection. Yes, I do it the lazy way, you can do it however you like!!!
Add your name or initial and copyright, and you're finished!! Or you can animate as you did with the tag if you want to.
Here is another example I made (click to view animation)
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12:11 PM | Edit Post